教授、博导,物流管理系主任、物流管理国家级一流专业负责人,“南岭学者”青年拔尖人才,广东省高等学校优秀青年教师、广东财经大学“青年教学名师”。主要研究领域为企业供应链管理。近年主持两项国家自然科学基金项目,两项成果获得广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖;在production and operations management、european journal of operational research等国内外重要学术期刊发表论文二十余篇。担任广东省物流与供应链学会理事、广东省软科学研究会理事、国家自然科学基金项目通讯评审、广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖评审等。
1. 广东省普通高校创新团队项目(人文社科),创新驱动下企业管理及商业模式研究团队,项目号2019wcxtd008,主持,在研
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,竞合关系下考虑产出不确定风险的双渠道供应链采购及运营决策研究,项目号71871067,主持,已结项
3. 广东省高等学校优秀青年教师培养计划项目,货到付款机制下联合库存-定价决策的研究,项目号yq2015078,主持,已结项(结项评估为“优”)
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,多渠道供应链中欺诈性仿冒产品的影响及其防治策略研究,项目号71301032,主持,已结项(结项评估为“优”)
5. 广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目,不确定环境下仿冒产品的打击策略及其绩效研究,项目号s2011040001069,主持,已结项
1. 张鑫,张杰(*). 2023. 直播背景下电商供应链混合渠道定价与选择策略. 已录用.
2. baozhuang niu, jiawei li, jie zhang(*), hsing kenny cheng, yinliang tan. 2019. strategic analysis of dual sourcing and dual channel with an unreliable alternative supplier. production and operations management, 28(3), 570-587. (utd24)
3. baozhuang niu, lei chen, jie zhang(*). 2017. punishing or subsidizing? regulation analysis of sustainable fashion procurement strategies. transportation research part e, 107, 81-96.(abs3星,ssci q1)
4. baozhuang niu, qinquan cui, jie zhang(*). 2017. impact of channel power and fairness concern on supplier’s market entry decision. journal of the operational research society, 68(12), 1570-1581. (abs3星,ssci q2)
5. baozhuang niu, lei chen, jie zhang(*). 2017. sustainability analysis of supply chains with fashion products under alternative power structures and loss-averse supplier. sustainability, 9(6), 995. (ssci q2)
6. jie zhang, rachel q. zhang. 2015. supply chain structure in a market with deceptive counterfeits. european journal of operational research, 240(1), 84-97.(abs4星;广东省第七届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖)
7. jie zhang, baozhuang niu, jianbin li. 2014. optimal pricing and inventory policy with order cancelations under the cash-on-delivery payment scheme. journal of systems science and complexity, 27(5), 970-992. (sci q3)
8. jie zhang, baozhuang niu. 2014. dynamic quality decisions of software-as-a-service providers based on customer perception. electronic commerce research and applications, 13(3), 151-163. (ssci q2)
9. jie zhang, rachel q. zhang. 2014. optimal replenishment and pricing decision under the collect-on-delivery payment scheme. or spectrum, 36(2), 503-524. (sci q2;首届“岭南物流与供应链理论创新奖”一等奖)
10. baozhuang niu, jie zhang(*). 2013. price, capacity and concession period decisions of pareto-efficient bot contracts with demand uncertainty. transportation research part e, 53, 1-14.(abs3星, ssci q1;广东省第七届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖)
11. jie zhang, l. jeff hong, rachel q. zhang. 2012. fighting strategies in a market with counterfeits. annals of operations research, 192(1), 49-66. (sci q2; 首届poms-hk会议优秀学生论文第二名)
1.阮传扬,张杰. 2023. 基于犹豫模糊信息的综合评价理论、方法与应用. 科学出版社.
1. 惠州市冠中盈集团物流业务转型,2022-2023
2. 海珠区十三五工业与商贸服务业发展规划,2015-2016